Wednesday 17 September 2014

Analysis of Previous Students Work

For my Analysis of a previous students magazines, I will be using the work of Geeta Gohil who completed her AS Media last year in 2013. The two magazines I will be analyzing will be the Preliminary Task or the School magazine and the Music magazine.

School magazine:

In my opinion, the way in which Geeta has presented her front cover is good because it has a clear layout and it is easy to read. For a starting point of the AS media course, I would say she has kept the front cover pretty simple in order for her to compare it to her final piece in the exam. 

What stood out to me most was her attention to detail on presentation and and her use of vocabulary to draw in audience. For example she uses big, bold story guidelines such as "Double Delight". This phrase is in red and a bold font has been used to draw in her views. Another example is her use of pictures. The main picture was part of the building work and outside the library in St Mary's; the other picture was "Best Results" and two students looking pleased.

As per the contents page, Geeta has designed it to look quite simple yet still effective. Although there are several pictures which are bunched together at the bottom of the page which makes the page look a bit scruffy and the whole page looks cramped together. Despite this, she has managed to get the Haydon school logo in and good eye catching story guidelines.

Music Magazine:

There is a massive difference between the Preliminary Task and the Final magazine and in Geeta's case a lot has been changed and edited to make the final magazine look professional compared to the Preliminary Task. The way the whole magazine has been laid out looks like an everyday eye catching magazine you would see in your local big retail supermarket.

The font is a lot more eye catching and bold so it stands out.The range of colours is very exquisite and used to catch the attention of the audience. The contents page for example is quite crowded however most magazines are like that anyway. Although it may look very crowded, it really brings life, atmosphere and understanding of the music magazine that is produced.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Preliminary Task design ideas

Preliminary Task:

For the Preliminary Task, we have been asked to produce a school magazine. For this we will be creating a front cover and a contents page. In one of our previous lessons, we were sent out to take pictures around the school for guidelines to what we will eventually assign to our front cover.
Below will be what I have already sketched out and planned for my magazine.

For the front cover of Haydon Haul I have outlined some of the parts that I would like to talk about in my magazine. I have already taken some pictures around the school; these helped in deciding what i wanted to use as articles. The main ideas for my magazine are, Haydon morals, Recycling, Former Sixth Form students and Best results. On the front cover of my magazine, I have also included some pictures of things that I thought related to my ideas and searched images from google to help me decide what I wanted to apply to the final piece. This will also help me to hopefully attract audience.The pictures that I drew on my draft were ideas that I had got from around the school when we took pictures of what we wanted on our magazine.

For the title I wanted to use a big bold font to try to attract as big of an audience as I could. I also used punctuation like exlamation marks to manipulateviewers into reading my magazine.

On the contents page, I outlined the key ideas and placed them in order of where I personally wanted them to be in the magazine. Again I added some images of which were from google and around the school of which inspired me to apply to my final piece. Some of the pictures I used for example were people or a person throwing something in the bin and a load of exam papers with excellent grades.  

As research to help me with my own blog and magazine, I took a look at previous AS students work and used some ideas or similar ideas which could potentially help me with my own magazine and blog and could help me get up into the top region of marks.